What is IGAP?
The Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP) is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded grant to assist tribes and tribal consortia in developing their environmental protection programs and developing and implementing solid and hazardous waste programs on tribal lands.
False Pass and IGAP
False Pass Tribe implemented its IGAP Program in 2024 and coordinated with the Regional IGAP coordinators to address environmental issues and increase environmental awareness through outreach and education.
The purpose is to provide environmental assistance to the False Pass tribe on environmental issues, particularly those related to increasing tribal awareness, discussion, and participation on local, regional, and global issues.
How can I get involved with recycling?
IGAP promotes recycling! NVFP recycles within its organization and works with the Regional IGAP programs to support recycling throughout the region to reduce waste that goes into the local landfill and improve the health of our environment.
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