Named "False Pass" by early American sailing ship captains because it was thought to be impassable for their deep draft vessels at the northern end

Primarily a fishing community with a small airstrip, False Pass is hugged by pacific waters and rolling hills regularly swept by coastal winds.

Aleut peoples depicted fishing along the False Pass coastline in early days.
False Pass, Alaska
False Pass is a small Southwest Alaska fishing community located between the tip of the Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands. It is located on the eastern shore of Unimak Island on a strait connecting the Pacific Gulf of Alaska to the Bering Sea. It is 646 air miles southwest of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 54d 51m N Latitude, 163d 24m W Longitude. (Sec. 34, T061S, R094W, Seward Meridian). False Pass is located in the Aleutian Islands Recording District.
The area encompasses 26.9 sq. miles of land and 41.4 sq. miles of water.
False Pass is an early English name for the Isanotski Strait. Named "False Pass" by early American sailing ship captains because it was thought to be impassable for their deep draft vessels at the northern end. "The Pass," as fishermen often refer to it today, is a marine passage between the Northern Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea which is extremely shallow and cannot accommodate large vessels over 200 feet in length.
The area was originally settled by a homesteader in the early 1900s, and grew with the establishment of a cannery in 1917. Natives immigrated from Morzhovoi, Sanak Island and Ikatan when the cannery was built. A post office was established in 1921. The cannery has operated continuously, except for 1973 – 1976, when two hard winters depleted the fish resources. The cannery was subsequently purchased by Peter Pan Seafoods. It was destroyed by fire in 1984, and was not rebuilt. The City was incorporated in 1990.
The community is home to the Unangax people with deep roots in fishing first as a subsistence lifestyle and the incorporation of the commercial aspect serving as an economic driving force for the livelihood.
The local economy is driven by commercial salmon fishing and fishing services, virtually every family and business benefits from fisheries. It creates over 4,000 jobs and each represents investment, employment, and income from this renewable, sustainable resource. False Pass is home to two fishing facilities: Silver Bay Seafoods and Trident Seafoods. 11 residents hold commercial fishing permits. False Pass is an important refueling stop for Bristol Bay and Bering Sea fishing fleets.
Along with the fishing facilities, the community houses a school, City government, Tribal government, marine freight shipping, and receiving, and has full support from regional entities with deep investments to ensure the community is sustainable and thrives.
Cash income is supplemented by subsistence hunting and fishing. Salmon, halibut, geese, caribou, seals and wild cattle on Sanak Island are utilized.
Water is derived from a nearby spring and reservoir, is treated and stored in a 60,000-gallon tank. Most homes are connected to the piped water system. Almost 80% of homes are fully plumbed. Many residents have individual septic tanks; wastewater from seafood processing flows directly into an outfall line. The City collects refuse twice a week. There are no recycling programs available. Water system improvements and a new landfill are needed.
Boats and aircraft provide the only means of transportation into False Pass. A state-owned 2,100 foot gravel airstrip and a seaplane base are available. Mail and passenger flights arrive three times weekly. There is no boat harbor, but new dock facilities and a boat ramp were recently completed. A boat haul-out and storage facility are under construction. Protected moorage is needed; the Borough has proposed a $13 million small boat harbor, which may begin construction in 2003. The Corps of Engineers are designing the facility. Cargo barges are available from Seattle. No local taxi or delivery services exist in False Pass. The State Ferry operates bi-monthly from Kodiak between May and October.
False Pass lies in the maritime climate zone. Temperatures range from 11 to 55. snowfall averages 56 inches, with total annual precipitation of 33 inches. Prevailing southeast winds are constant and often strong during winter. Fog is common during summer months.
New Member Enrollment
All children born to Members residing in the Village and all children biologically of Alaska Native descent who are adopted by Members residing in the Village shall be admitted to membership upon application.
New Residents
Any person of Alaska Native descent who lives in the Village for at least one (1) year and intends to remain in the Village shall be admitted to Membership upon application.
Adopted Members
Any person of Alaska Native descent not otherwise eligible for Membership but with familial or other significant ties to the Village may be admitted to Membership at the discretion of the Council.
Enrollment Application Forms and a list of the required documents will be available in the Tribal office, here on the website, and can be mailed when requested.
Once the completed Enrollment Application is received, it will be reviewed for accuracy and if any documents are missing a staff member will reach out to you. Once the enrollment process is completed the approval of new members must be approved by the Native Village of False Pass Tribal Council at one of their regularly scheduled meetings.
False Pass, Alaska